Zanthoxylum piperitum - Szechuanpepper


Zanthoxylum piperitum - Szechuanpepper
4.50 *Prices include VAT
Zanthoxylum piperitum -20°
Japanese Pepper Tree
Delivery Height 20 cm

exotic spices - medicinal plants - exotic spices - medicinal plants

Zanthoxylum piperitum -20°C
Japanese Pepper Tree
Delivery Height 20 cm


Zanthoxylum piperitum is a deciduous Shrub growing to 2 m.

The plant prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and requires well-drained soil.
The plant prefers acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils..

It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade.
It requires moist soil.

Seed - cooked. It is ground into a powder and used as a condiment, a pepper substitute.

As with other Zanthoxylum species, The bark and roots of this plant are used in traditional medicine as stimulants and tonics.

The dried fruit is used as a pepper substitute.
Dark red flowers and small red berries.
Native to China, Japan and Korea

Zanthoxylum piperitum Bonsai