Papaya Pubescens Serena

Mountain papaya -6°C

Papaya Pubescens Serena
5.50 *Prices include VAT
Papaya Pubescens Serena
Mountain Papaya -6 ° C
Delivery Height 20 cm
exotic tropical fruit trees, patio plants, hardy exotics, hardy tropicals, hardy exotic nursery

Papaya Pubescens Serena
Mountain Papaya -6 ° C
Delivery Height 20 cm

Mountain Papaya

The Mountain Papaya is a plant cultivated in the cooler moderate climates of the Andes region.

This Chilean cultivar produces a small fruit.

It does best in cooler climates.

Papaya pré Bonsai

exotic tropical fruit trees, patio plants, hardy exotics, hardy tropicals, hardy exotic nursery