Asimina triloba - Paw Paw


Asimina triloba - Paw Paw
6.50 *Prices include VAT
Asimina triloba - Paw Paw
-25 ° C
Delivery Height: 20 cm

exotic tropical fruit trees, patio plants, hardy exotics, hardy tropicals, hardy exotic nursery

Asimina triloba - Paw Paw
-25 ° C
Delivery Height: 20 cm

(foto 27/11/....  20 cm

2 trees for cross pollination.

Deciduous, 2-4m

They need minimum 400 hours cold, and 160 frost free days

The fruits taste like bananas

Blooms in spring, on two-year old wood.

exotic tropical fruit trees, patio plants, hardy exotics, hardy tropicals, hardy exotic nursery